Enterprise Content Management
Control and use ALL of your company content.
Enterprise content management eliminates silos of content throughout your organization, enabling centralized control and management of all of your company information. Having all of your information at your fingertips enables better decision-making, improves collaboration, ensures records are managed correctly, and much, much more. Enterprise content management is a strategy that combines five software capabilities (in a single product or using multiple products):
Capture and Document Imaging – Stop riffling through manila folders and filing cabinets looking forthe right document. With capture technology, paper documents (and digital documents, such as email) can be scanned and converted into digital documents for fast retrieval based on keywords or full-text search. Forms processing tools allow data to be automatically extracted and saved and for workflows to be launched automatically.
Workflow/Process Automation – Software that automatically moves work from person to person in your organization, an invoice approval or a case approval in insurance. No more manual, paper-based processes.
Preserve – Records management software allows for business records to be saved for as long as they are required and then disposed of, safely and security.
Deliver – Information wants to be used, so it must be delivered to the right person at the right time.
When combined into a single solution, these capabilities can give your business a tremendous competitive advantage:
- Use your company information for improved analysis and decision-making
- Connect employees to the information they need when they need – and quickly
- Automate business processes
- Capture documents centrally or via distributed scanners, copiers, and even smart phones
- Enforce a common set of retention polices for all of your content
Datamax Arkansas and Laserfiche will help you get control of your information so that you can use it.
ECM can transform a business. Are you ready?