"You Ask. We Answer." Blog

Responsive and relevant insights into the questions our partners have.

What Can Content Management Do to Actually Help My Business?

Let's define 7 benefits of Content Management that your organization can utilize. 

Change is undoubtedly difficult. The very concept of digitizing documents, and redefining how content is accessed, shared, and stored could seem overwhelming.

Topics: Document Management Content Management You Ask, We Answer

How Hard is it to Implement a Document Management System?

Not as hard as you may think, but doing it right takes some time. Below are a few key components to obtaining your ultimate goal of easy access, centralized management, and secure storage of your documents, records, and content as a whole.

Great question, and one that requires a little digging into. Our "quick" response to the difficulty in implementing a document management solution?  With the right partner, given the giant task of migrating your plethora of documents and content into a unified platform, it’s easier than you might think. With that said, done correctly, it’s hardly plug-and-play. Don't let a potential partner fool you into thinking it is. 

Topics: Document Management Content Management You Ask, We Answer

What are a Few Copier/MFP Security Issues My Staff Should Be Aware Of?

As you and your organization continue to converse and strategize on some key areas where Copier and MFP security should be addressed, here are 7 places you can start.

Regardless of any state-of-the-art functionalities your copier or multi-function printer (MFP) may possess, at the end of the day, it's simply another device connected to your network. Naturally, security as it pertains to these print devices is a big deal.

Topics: Office Equipment Document Security Cybersecurity You Ask, We Answer

We're Spending Too Much on an Old Business Phone System. What Gives?

With UCaaS, you cut down on the number of third-party software solutions you’re using to support communications.

Maybe you’re holding onto that legacy phone system because you’re worried about change, or it's just comfortable keeping everything "as is."  Or maybe you’re concerned about the cost of an upgrade. Either way, your old POTS (Plain Old Telephone System) is likely costing too much and not delivering the value and capabilities one should expect today.

Topics: Unified Communications VoIP Phone System You Ask, We Answer

What Basic Factors Should We Consider When Choosing a Copier?

Here are five basic considerations for you to ponder between now and when you're rolling in that brand-new copier.

A copier (i.e. multifunction printer) is a big-time investment. As with any such endeavor, it’s best to do a fair amount of due diligence before narrowing your search. The model(s) you decide upon, and perhaps more importantly, your choice of vendor, will determine whether you’re sustaining successful workflows or suffering successive headaches for the next five years or so.

Topics: Office Equipment You Ask, We Answer Secure Printing In-house Leasing

Deploying So Many Printer Drivers is a Real Pain. What Are My Options?

uniFLOW Online Universal Output Que helps to reduce the number of printer drivers that organizations must manage within their print environments, by enabling direct printing to compatible devices without the need to install device-specific drivers.

Printer Driver deployment can be a real pain for IT.  Whether it’s new staff expecting printing to “just work” upon arrival, a staff that uses an absolute hodgepodge of devices (Windows laptops, MacBook, Chromebooks… on and on), a driver that inexplicably “breaks,” or simply identifying the right driver for the right device…it can cause some serious headaches for those tasked with managing it. After all, it’s not like IT teams don’t have other things they could be doing.

Topics: Print Management You Ask, We Answer Cloud Technology Cloud Print

How Can I Quickly Set Up Initial Security Settings on My Canon Copier?

Do you need help enabling security settings on your Canon multifunction printer? Overwhelmed by all the jargon? We're here to help. 

Realizing the critical nature of document and multifunction printer (MFP) security in today’s office environment, Canon has made taking the initial steps in locking your MFP down even easier.

Topics: Multifunction Copier You Ask, We Answer Secure Printing

What Copier Security Features Do I Need to Best Protect My Business?

What are the copier security “must haves?”  Here are 10 features and capabilities we feel should be heavily considered.

Your copier can easily be considered just another device (albeit a critical one) on your network. So, in an office environment, where sensitive information is printed, shared, and stored, security on this device should be a top priority to reduce security risk.

Topics: Print Management Network Security You Ask, We Answer Secure Printing

What is Causing So Many Paper Jams With My Copier?

Let's explore some common causes for paper jams so that you can possibly avoid them as often. 

It's a universal pain associated with every copier: The inevitable paper jam. While relatively common in any office environment, they can put a real wrinkle in your workday productivity. While your trusted copier repair service provider can certainly get you back up and going, let's explore some common causes so that you can possibly avoid them as often. 

Topics: Office Equipment You Ask, We Answer Copier Repair Copier Repair Service

What are the Benefits of 'Right-sizing' My Copiers and Printers?

The goal of right-sizing the print fleet is to eliminate unnecessary or underutilized printers while ensuring that there are enough devices strategically placed to meet the printing demands of the organization.

Not unlike searching for the "right person, right job," at your office, your copiers and printers should be the "right size, right volume, right application" if you're going to run at peak productivity.

Topics: Canon Color Copier Office Equipment Print Management You Ask, We Answer