"You Ask. We Answer." Blog

Responsive and relevant insights into the questions our partners have.

Deploying So Many Printer Drivers is a Real Pain. What Are My Options?

uniFLOW Online Universal Output Que helps to reduce the number of printer drivers that organizations must manage within their print environments, by enabling direct printing to compatible devices without the need to install device-specific drivers.

Printer Driver deployment can be a real pain for IT.  Whether it’s new staff expecting printing to “just work” upon arrival, a staff that uses an absolute hodgepodge of devices (Windows laptops, MacBook, Chromebooks… on and on), a driver that inexplicably “breaks,” or simply identifying the right driver for the right device…it can cause some serious headaches for those tasked with managing it. After all, it’s not like IT teams don’t have other things they could be doing.

Topics: Print Management You Ask, We Answer Cloud Technology Cloud Print

I'm Searching for Online Meeting Solutions: What's GoMeet and What are its Remote Workforce Capabilities?

GoMeet Video Conferencing creates smarter, faster, engaging and actionable meeting experiences. Here are a few of the benefits and features of both the video conferencing and webinar components.

Organizations have countless options as they shop and search for business video conferencing solutions. GotoMeeting. Zoom. Skype. WebEx … to name a few. As businesses scramble to enable a remote workforce, what is GoMeet, and what are its capabilities?

Topics: Unified Communications VoIP Phone System You Ask, We Answer Coronavirus Remote Workforce Planning Cloud Technology Remote Work

How Can I Prepare My Company for Working Remotely in Light of a Disaster or Other Event?

The Remote Work Assessment and Remote Work Checklist below are no substitute for a comprehensive disaster recovery plan. However, they may provide a beginning point for companies to plan for remote working or, if already engaged, for optimizing and improving productivity.

Disaster planning is one of the most underappreciated aspects of executive leadership – until a disaster strikes. The current situation with COVID-19 is different from familiar disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes regarding property loss and damage; however, its growing impact on our daily lives is becoming just as profound and disruptive.

Topics: IT Consulting Disaster Recovery Unified Communications VoIP Phone System Coronavirus Remote Workforce Planning Cloud Technology Remote Work