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Datamax Earns Third Consecutive Canon ATSP Service Award


Little Rock, AR (April 17, 2019) –  For the third consecutive year, Datamax Arkansas has earned the Association of Technical Service Professionals (ATSP) National Service Recognition Award from Canon USA, demonstrating Datamax’s ongoing commitment to arming its technicians with elite-level skills and training and providing a superior client experience.

“If you are taking your car in to get it repaired, and you’ve got a master level mechanic working on it, you expect that vehicle to get fixed right the first time,” Datamax Arkansas Service Manager Mark McKinney said. “Think of ATSP as being qualified as a master level technician. These technicians put in a lot of hours in training to collectively earn this designation (from Canon).”

The ATSP program consists of six core exams, with several modules included with each exam, along with an equipment-specific test. The job function-based exams are designed to measure both the knowledge and the demonstration of the skills that are required in real-world settings for a support professional against a set of standards for competency and performance.

Technicians spend literally hundreds of hours in online and device-specific training to qualify for ATSP. To qualify, dealerships must have 75 percent of its service representatives certified within the program as of January 1, 2019.   

“Our customers invest in these machines and depend on them to do their jobs efficiently and effectively. For customers, this ATSP certification guarantees that when one of our technicians walks in to work on a machine, they have a high level of expertise on that equipment. And that means faster response times, higher fix rates, etc.,” McKinney said.

Additionally, this ATSP certification provides Datamax priority access to Canon’s Tier 3 support, bringing in the highest level of expertise for troubleshooting and faster resolution to unique Canon equipment issues a client may face.

"This achievement is no doubt due to your company's effort at promoting the ATSP Program and commitment to superior customer service, and the perseverance of your service and support staff," said Leroy J. Farrell, Vice President and General Manager, Engineering Services and Solutions, Business Information Communication Group of Canon USA.

About Datamax

Datamax Inc. offers the latest equipment and solutions in technology to increase efficiency and productivity in customers’ offices. Datamax Inc. has been in business for over 60 years with offices in Arkansas and Texas with more than 250 employees in two states.

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Jeff Walker
Marketing Communications Manager
Datamax Inc.

About Jeff Walker

Jeff Walker serves as the Marketing Communications Manager for Datamax Inc. As a Hubspot Inbound Certified Marketing Professional, Jeff works to ensure valuable experiences for those engaging with Datamax online and elsewhere. Prior to joining Datamax, he worked as a reporter, critic and editor.

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