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What is Included in a Print Workflow Technology Assessment?


To help better understand the steps and the benefits of a technology assessment, let’s break it down into five steps. 

The word “assessment” gets thrown around a lot at the start line of many business technology engagements — sometimes striking a few objections in the minds of the parties being “assessed.”

  • “They take time. Give us a quote and let’s get going!”
  • "What are you going to uncover that we don't already know?"
  • “Is this REALLY necessary?”

Rest assured, any business technology provider with your Total Cost of Technology Ownership in mind will find a technology assessment a more than worthwhile endeavor. A well-structured, multi-faceted assessment will not only help identify bottlenecks in existing print and workflow processes and opportunities for better ways to get from point A to point B; it helps ultimately answer the simple question: What are the long-term outcomes and benefits of any proposed application of technology?

Think of it as a potential partner getting to know your environment before even entertaining a solution. To help better understand the steps and the benefits of a technology assessment, let’s break it down below.

So, What’s Included in a Typical Print Workflow Technology Assessment? Here are the 5 Steps.

In the spirit of not speaking for other business technology providers, we’ve outlined a step-by-step outline of what a standard Datamax Discovery Technology Assessment looks like. Please know that components can vary based on assessment type, scope, and relevant client needs at the time.

Step 1. Environmental Access

  • Conduct a brief electronic scan of technology infrastructure (i.e. network printers and/or network servers)
  • Conduct facility walk-through with floor plan
  • Inventory all print-related and IT-related assets
  • Examine existing IT infrastructures

Step 2. Data and Cost Access

  • Access technology expenses to include invoices, support agreements, and leases (with mutual confidentiality agreement)
  • Access current parts & supplies costs

Step 3. End-User Interviews

  • Identify the best people who routinely gather and understand the required information and processes
  • Conduct assessment interviews
  • Identify functional responsibilities
  • Outline overall technology utilization requirements
  • Discuss current document workflow processes to spot possible weaknesses or redundancies

Step 4. Prepare and Deliver findings

  • Process assessment data and findings and synthesize them to form a cohesive picture
  • Develop in-depth descriptions of professional recommendations and cost estimates
  • Present formal deliverable to stakeholders
  • Review, validate, and collaborate with the client regarding findings and actionable recommendations

Step 5. Establish Next Steps

  • Once it's determined that technology recommendations are relevant and costs are determined, a strategy for further planning and implementation is executed.

Technology Assessments such as this, again, may vary because business technology environments - and more importantly, business technology needs - are unique. The Datamax Discovery Process is designed to holistically explore print/workflow processes as well as current copier MFP service performance. These insights enable us to identify and deliver relevant technology recommendations for an optimized print environment and a maximized partner experience.

Are you ready to assess? Let's visit!

Schedule your print/workflow assessment today! ›

About Jeff Walker

Jeff Walker serves as the Marketing Communications Manager for Datamax Inc. As a Hubspot Inbound Certified Marketing Professional, Jeff works to ensure valuable experiences for those engaging with Datamax online and elsewhere. Prior to joining Datamax, he worked as a reporter, critic and editor.

Topics: Document Workflow Print Management You Ask, We Answer