"You Ask. We Answer." Blog

Responsive and relevant insights into the questions our partners have.

Scalability: Cloud-based Phone System vs. On-Premise Phones

How does a cloud-based phone service scale with my business vs. an on-premises phone? If I need to add employees or move/eliminate existing services, how rapidly can I do so without capital investments and a bevy of on-site technicians?

Business needs change quickly for organizations today. Employees leave. Business grows. Positions and departments evolve. As the necessity for available technology “now” increases, the desire for fast, painless scalability is, well, off the scales (so to speak).

Topics: Unified Communications VoIP Phone System You Ask, We Answer

How Do I Connect My Canon Copier to My Smartphone or Tablet?

The Canon PRINT Business app allows users to print and scan from a Canon copier, using a smartphone or tablet. Here's how you connect your device.

Wanting to use your smartphone to print to and scan from an imageRUNNER device? There’s an app for that.

Topics: Office Equipment You Ask, We Answer Mobile Printing Document Solutions

Is My Production Print Vendor Adding Actual Value to My Business?

Based on my experience with both direct manufacturers and independent dealerships, here are four areas that will help you measure a production print vendor's capabilities, and their value-add, beyond the "box" itself. 

In my 35+ years in the office equipment/print industry (20+ as a production solutions specialist), it’s a question I get asked often, in one shape or form: “How can you demonstrate real value to my production print business?”

Topics: Office Equipment Production Print You Ask, We Answer

What is Included in a Print Workflow Technology Assessment?

To help better understand the steps and the benefits of a technology assessment, let’s break it down into five steps. 

The word “assessment” gets thrown around a lot at the start line of many business technology engagements — sometimes striking a few objections in the minds of the parties being “assessed.”

Topics: Document Workflow Print Management You Ask, We Answer

How do I Ensure Our Scan to Email Feature is Fully Secure?

Essentially, mxHero mitigates email-related vulnerabilities by replacing email attachments from your MFP device with secure cloud storage links.

In the plethora of daily job workflows, email remains among the most fraught with cyber security vulnerabilities.

According to a PurpleSec Cyber Security study, out of 50,000 security incidents, email is responsible in 92% of cases. Scan to email is an integral component to most organizations’ digitally-evolving environment. As email security remains paramount, scan to email security should be an equally-valued priority.

Topics: Scanning Office Equipment You Ask, We Answer Secure Printing Document Solutions

How Do I Find the Best Copier Company Near Me in Fort Smith?

We'll look at five key areas that help you vet copier/office equipment companies and narrow your search in Fort Smith and the River Valley of Northwest Arkansas. 

The Internet, if nothing else, has provided an infinite platform for doing your due diligence prior to purchase. Office equipment, much like a vehicle, is a long-term financial commitment that should never be bought or leased without adequate research.

Which is exactly what we want to help you with here.

Topics: Office Equipment You Ask, We Answer Copier Repair

How Do I Find the Best Copier Company Near Me in Hot Springs?

We'll look at five key areas that help you vet copier/office equipment companies and narrow your search in the Hot Springs area. 

You wouldn’t just go online and simply click “purchase” for medical services. You’d do your due diligence to properly vet qualified consultation, expertise and ongoing support for your long-term health.

Purchasing office equipment is similar.

Topics: Office Equipment You Ask, We Answer Copier Repair

How Many Webcams Can Be Used in My Video Conference With GoMeet?

GoMeet comes with two tiers of video conferencing, although in both scenarios 30 webcams can be utilized during an online meeting.

Due to the pandemic, businesses have flocked to video conferencing solutions to collaborate internally, to keep in touch with customers, and to try and conduct business under unusual circumstances. A web camera  — and a video conferencing solution — are integral business tools moving forward.

Topics: Unified Communications You Ask, We Answer Coronavirus Video conferencing

How Can My Law Firm Create Bates Stamped Documents More Efficiently?

PDF Editing solutions like Kofax Power PDF make life easier for law firms. Paralegals can apply Bates Stamping to a single document or a complete set of documents by creating custom profiles for stamping information into headers and footers.

Bates Stamping is an essential process for multiple industries, including law firms, looking to meet legal requirements and to make access easier for anyone working with the documents.

Topics: Automation Legal Solutions You Ask, We Answer

Inline vs Offline: What Digital Print Finishing Equipment is Better?

Inline and Offline finishing both have their share of pros and cons, dependent, of course, on a production team’s biggest priorities and goals. What are yours? 

If there are two items on every production printer’s bucket list, they likely include:  infinite customization options and a fully streamlined process for completing such a wide variety of jobs.

Topics: Production Print You Ask, We Answer Digital Print Finishing Equipment