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Authentication: A Significant Step in Your Winding Journey to Securing & Controlling Copier Output


Today's copier, of course, is much more than just a copier. But does your organization treat it with the same vigilance as other network devices?

Chinese philosopher Laozi once said “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Small initial steps can have a large impact moving forward. Consider the evolution of the copier - from the 650 pound model introduced in the late 1950s (It was the size of about two washing machines and was prone to spontaneous combustion), to today's network-connected, multifunction devices that integrate seamlessly with other applications to streamline document workflow.

Progress has been marked by subtle, yet significant advancements in technology.

Today's copier, of course, is much more than just a copier. But does your organization treat it with the same vigilance as other network devices?  Is the information on your copier open to anyone who happens to walk inside your office? Have you begun the necessary journey toward setting up necessary controls,  tracking usage, and preventing unauthorized access?

Statistics would suggest not: According to a recent Canon Office Insights study, only 21 percent of IT decision-makers surveyed have security features in place for their printers. Additionally, only 1 in three companies surveyed use authentication.

The journey toward absolute control and security of your print devices is long and winding. However, authentication is a significant step in locking down and monitoring usage over them. Whether it’s utilized via proximity card, picture log-in or even via mobile devices, authentication helps administrators unwanted access – and gain control over those who have it.

3 Reasons Authentication Should Be A Critical First Step in Security & Control.

1. Personalize by User.

Administrators registering user accounts to the device allows for settings to be specific for users individually. Much like an employee arranges the desktop on a computer, the user’s interaction with the multifunction device can also be customized.

Personalization essentially enables user convenience and improved security by limiting user access to specific functions.

2. Implement Security Features.

Document security challenges are a prevalent issue. The same Canon study revealed that about two thirds of IT decision-makers reported they were aware of instances when documents have gone missing, either inside their organization (65%) or when employees have lost documents while outside the company (64%).

By forcing authentication, you restrict access to unregistered users and prevent unwanted printing of confidential company records or sensitive financial information.

3. Reduce Waste/Control Costs.

78 percent of decision makers survey are concerned about wasteful printing. Additionally, Among those participating in the Canon survey who currently track costs, only 46 percent knew the cost of color page prints.

Canon’s Universal Login Manager (ULM) allows organizations the ability to manage security and costs by controlling individual users' access and usage.

Not sure where you stand on your journey? Consider a Print Assessment!

With printing costs on average representing 1-3% of your business costs, shouldn't you know how you're spending that money? A print assessment can show you how much your copiers and printers are costing you today AND outline a more cost-effective strategy for tomorrow.

From locking down devices to closing the gap on your wasteful, unnecessary print spend, Datamax can help implement new policies and procedures that allow you to manage and control your print costs effectively. Start with a Print Assessment as the first step in your journey!

Schedule your print/workflow assessment today! ›

SOURCE: Canon 

Topics: Printing Security Print Management