The Datamax Thinking Blog

Educating, collaborating, and sparking ideas for maximizing the technology that matters.

UCaaS Ensures Flexibility, Simplicity in a Hybrid Work Environment

Hybrid work isn’t a static concept – by nature, it implies that where people work will change over time, so your communication solution has to embody elasticity.

Legendary UCLA Coach John Wooden used to preach to players that “flexibility is the key to stability.”

Disruption and adversity are everyday realities in sports. From the unexpected injury, a late-inning comeback, a defensive halftime adjustment, or a controversial call; the ability to recognize and adapt are keys to success on the playing field.

Topics: Unified Communications VoIP Phone System Coronavirus Remote Workforce Planning Work From Home Hybrid Office

uniFLOW Online: Securely Manage Print at Home or the Office

Confidence in how well the print infrastructure is protected against security breaches has decreased since the onset of COVID-19. Prior to the pandemic, 33% of IT decision makers said they were completely confident, compared to 21% now.

Work From Home could be a  productivity boost for employees, but it's become a downright predicament for those charged with print security. 

Work culture and workplace structure remains fluid as businesses deal with the onset and continuing effects of COVID-19. As such, business owners and IT personnel are tasked with a double-edged sword: Reigning in control over print and scan functionality, while ensuring cost/control savings, proper security protocols, and end user flexibility.

Topics: Office Equipment Coronavirus Work From Home Secure Printing

Covering COVID-19: Our 10 Most-Read Blogs of 2020

Over the last 9 months, we’ve worked hard to answer COVID-19-related questions, to provide resources, to deliver the content that mattered most to our customers, in an unprecedented time for businesses everywhere.

We'd love to shake your hand, but an elbow bump will do for now. Either way, we sincerely appreciate you reading in 2020! 

Our year at the Datamax Thinking Blog kicked off with a New Year's-themed article, “6 Resolutions Your Business Technology Partner Must Truly Value in 2020.” It detailed characteristics that businesses should seek in any technology vendor relationship they engage with: Traits like “the ability to respond – and resolve,” “the creativity to dig deeper,” and “the worthiness of your trust.” 

Topics: Partnering Cybersecurity Unified Communications Coronavirus Remote Workforce Planning Work From Home

The CARES Act & Technology: How Relief Fund Can Help City Governments

What is the CARES Act and how can it help you respond more timely to resident needs? And what technology tools are available for helping your employees work securely and succinctly in a remote environment?

Among the countless entities that COVID-19 afflicted, local governments were certainly a key victim to the pandemic. Local city employees were among the most needed to respond to the public health crisis and provide necessary resources for residents within a municipality.

Topics: Unified Communications Coronavirus Remote Work Work From Home

5 Reasons Your Business Should Consider a Temperature Screening Kiosk

Body temperature screening kiosks truly automate the process. These devices can read temperature in 1 second, and are ultimately designed to provide a safe environment for your employees, customers and visitors.

If you’ve made your way back to the office, you’re likely getting your temperature taken upon arrival.

Topics: Office Equipment Coronavirus Temperature Screening Kiosk

The Need for Speed: 6 Business Communication Solutions for the 'Next Normal'

If the need for speed still exists within your workspace, these business communication solutions can help keep collaboration afloat, launch communication avenues relevant to today's work culture, and keep your team gliding smoothly across the waters of everyday business.

Much like humans, it’s amazing what companies will do when they have to, and how little they will do when the water seems calm.

Topics: Cloud Unified Communications VoIP Phone System Coronavirus Work From Home

Office Equipment Service During COVID-19: What Should You Expect From Your Copier & Print Provider?

How do you know that your office equipment service provider is taking all the necessary preventative measures? How can you ensure that they are not potentially raising the risk of COVID-19 infection inside your workplace?

Copiers/MFPs sitting dormant for a good stretch of time are often overdue for service.

Rollers go flat, causing jams. Corona assemblies get ozone built in them and print quality takes a hit. Typically, preventative maintenance visits prevent occurrences like this, but throughout the pandemic, these routine check-ups have inevitably become scarce.

Topics: Canon Color Copier Office Equipment Coronavirus

3 COVID-19 Phishing Email Examples To Help Your Business Identify Scams

But what might a COVID-19 phishing email scam look like? We looked in our own inbox, and accessed a valuable cybersecurity resource, to show you things to be looking for.

Two basic qualities that cybercriminals prey on are vulnerability and desperation. With so many on high alert with COVID-19 information and updates, phishing season is in full swing.

Topics: Network Management Network Security Coronavirus

Post-Pandemic: Taking the Work From Home Plunge Long-Term

Fifty-seven percent of small and midsized business owners who increased remote working due to the COVID-19 pandemic said they will likely maintain the option for employees in the long term.

What happens as we move past the COVID-19 pandemic?

It’s a universal question faced by businesses right now. And while the Internet is abuzz with post-pandemic postulation, a vast amount of uncertainties still loom.

Topics: Unified Communications Coronavirus Remote Workforce Planning Remote Work Work From Home

A Remote Reality: 3 Communication Tips That Bridge the Gap in Work-From-Home Productivity

Communication solutions such as video conferencing go a long way in bridging that collaborative gap between office and home. But they must be used strategically.

The Remote Reality: It's one that all organizations are coming to terms with in recent weeks. As the impact surrounding COVID-19 continues to set in, IT personnel are scrambling to set up "work from home" scenarios. Business executives are left with a variety of tough decisions about this suddenly scattered workforce. And employees?

Topics: Unified Communications Coronavirus Remote Workforce Planning Remote Work