The Datamax Thinking Blog

Educating, collaborating, and sparking ideas for maximizing the technology that matters.

Think Green, Save Green With PaperCut Version 22.0

It’s imperative in business to remain “green and growing” – and with this print management engagement, your organization is doing just that.

Printing smarter has always made good business sense. But it’s also about thinking “green.”

Print Management, at its core, is about reducing print waste through a multi-layered solution that includes print rules, security measures, and accurate tracking of print activity.

Topics: Print Management Managed Print Services Mobile Printing

BYOD In Higher Education: Developing a Print Strategy for Gen Z

The printed document (as you’ll read more below) remains a very relevant mode of consumption for Generation Z. However, the preferred means for doing so is unequivocally mobile.

A generation ago, one glance at a bustling on-campus computer lab, and you knew: Mid-terms must be right around the corner.

However, this traditional hub for course research has migrated to coffee shops, residence halls, student centers, cafes and anywhere else a student can access Wi-fi. The BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Movement, being currently led by Generation Z, creates increasing complexities for Higher Education IT personnel hoping not to get sacked by the onslaught of devices.

Topics: Color Printing Print Management Education Tips and Tools Mobile Printing