The Datamax Thinking Blog

Educating, collaborating, and sparking ideas for maximizing the technology that matters.

The Buzz Behind Papercut Hive: Cloud-driven Print Management

PaperCut Hive is a fully hosted Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that allows cloud-first organizations of any size, regardless of their printer brands, to easily enable and manage printing with just an internet connection.

For organizations looking to best utilize technology to support their everyday business, cloud adoption continues to be all the buzz in 2023. A few statistics from Zippia that support such a claim:

  • 94% of enterprises use cloud services.
  • 67% of enterprise infrastructure is now cloud-based.
  • 92% of businesses have a multi-cloud strategy in place or in the works.
Topics: Print Management Managed Print Services Print Assessment Cloud Print PaperCut

Think Green, Save Green With PaperCut Version 22.0

It’s imperative in business to remain “green and growing” – and with this print management engagement, your organization is doing just that.

Printing smarter has always made good business sense. But it’s also about thinking “green.”

Print Management, at its core, is about reducing print waste through a multi-layered solution that includes print rules, security measures, and accurate tracking of print activity.

Topics: Print Management Managed Print Services Mobile Printing

Secure Your Print Environment Before, During, and After You Hit Print

Securing your print comes down to understanding – and protecting – your jobs throughout the entire print lifecycle.

Cyber security is an ever-growing priority for businesses year after year. Nearly nine in 10 IT decision-makers in North America expect their organization’s cybersecurity budget to increase (by as much as 50 percent!) in the next 12 months, a recent Kaspersky survey found.

Topics: Print Management Managed Print Services Cybersecurity Secure Printing

Print Management 101: How Colleges Can Maneuver the Print Maze and Maximize the Budget

With no substantial control over a print environment, discovering ways to optimize your fleet can seemingly twist and turn like an intricate maze, with no real end in sight. Higher visibility leads to better management — and maximizing available budget.

The stark reality higher education institutions face today? A gap in college confidence.

According to a study by TD Ameritrade, 89% of Gen Z, along with nearly 79% of young millennials, have considered an education path that looks different from a four-year degree directly out of high school. Nearly 20% of those surveyed say they might choose not to attend college.

Topics: Print Management Managed Print Services Education Tips and Tools Print Assessment

20 Ways to Cut Printing Costs in 2020

What’s commonly perceived as “just another business expense” is an oft-overlooked opportunity for cost-cutting measures. Tighten your budget belt with these 20 ways to cut print costs.

Hoping to trim some fat in 2020?

The extra weight we carry in our operating budgets can certainly impact our budget belt size, but also overall business performance and results. As we approach a new year, with budgets and business plans freshly ingrained in our minds, many businesses are searching for ways to trim some of the fat out of the overall cost of conducting business.

Topics: Printing Color Printing Print Management Managed Print Services

6 Rules for Diving Deep Into Your Print Environment

Developing a vision, and implementing it with strategically-placed solutions, will guide your exploration deep into the depths of your entire fleet of devices, and can lead to exhilarating new discoveries...including a dramatically more breathable bottom line. 

“Plan your Dive. Dive Your Plan."

Descending steadily toward the ocean floor, entering the wilderness of the deep sea and the marine life that inhabits it can be exhilarating... life changing. Properly planning and executing your dive under a specific set of rules and checklists helps you maintain control over your equipment – and your environment. It ensures a successful dive.

Topics: Printing Document Security Print Management Managed Print Services

Technology Forecast: Office Climate Change Imminent, but Probability of Printing Remains High

In the report, 36 percent of enterprises surveyed say they are printing MORE OFTEN than they were 12 months ago, while only 14 percent are printing less often. Similarly, 40 percent are scanning more often and 35 percent are copying more often.

By 2020, Cisco’s Internet Business Solutions Group predicts that 50 billion physical IoT devices will be connected to the Internet, consuming, generating, and communicating data. The office is no exception.

Crucial documents reside on our desks and file cabinets, but also in cloud servers and mobile devices. With such wide and easy access to the information we need, it’s tempting to think that printing may soon become a function of the past.

As ESPN analyst Lee Corso famously says on College Football Game Day, “Not so fast, my friend!”

Topics: Scanning Printing Printer Management Multifunction Copier Office Equipment Document Security Print Management Canon USA Managed Print Services

Managed Print Services: A Road Map for Your Printing Environment

When it comes to managing a printing environment, many organizations find themselves without even a road map. Most companies don't realize how many documents are wasted daily – money literally thrown away. 

It comes up regularly on long car rides with my wife – what did we ever do pre-smartphone GPS? My answer: There was always, of course, the trusted Rand McNally map, along with the refined technique of folding it back adequately enough to fit back into your glove box. The Rand McNally, for me, is a sentimental relic from family vacations past.

Topics: Document Security Print Management Managed Print Services

Leasing a Copier: How to Do It Right

Making sure you get the right lease and the right partner is scary. The tips below will tell you how to get it right.

Much like those mortgage commercials that turn the most confident person into a bundle of nerves, the idea of leasing technology makes many business professionals uncomfortable.

Am I getting a good deal? What should I look for? Will I be stuck in a box?

Those and many other questions chase each other round and round during the decision process.

Still, leasing is often the better option for your office – especially if your operating budget is running low. Couple that with the rapid pace at which technology becomes outdated, and leasing is a great option for those looking to keep their tech fresh.

Here are just a few of the most compelling advantages to lease today.

Topics: Leasing LeaseCare Managed Print Services

12 Effective Capabilities and Controls for Managing Your Enterprise Print Fleet

The ability to offer the tools and control needed to help reduce waste and boost productivity can be the difference in whether your organization finds itself "on cloud nine" or "under a cloud" when it comes to managing print.

For many organizations, printing continues to be a frustrating cost issue that remains pretty much untracked and uncontrolled. That’s amazing since managing print output and associated costs has been such a hot topic for so long. 

More companies understand this now, but not enough want to really pour in the effort to do anything about it.  Apparently, they're less interested in the gathering clouds of documents and print and are more convinced of better cost savings they can be chasing down in their businesses — so they think. 

Topics: Office Equipment Print Management Managed Print Services