The Datamax Thinking Blog

Educating, collaborating, and sparking ideas for maximizing the technology that matters.

Print Management: 7 Tips on Maximizing Your School's Print Budget

If everyday printing functionality is frustrating, or if controlling costs is cumbersome, print management is a viable solution for both higher education and K-12 environments.

As an administrator, do you often feel like your school has overspent on print?

Among the many core objectives of any K-12 district or higher education institution, one dual component of most schools’ goals is to maximize the student experience while minimizing wasteful spending, at all “costs.”

Topics: Canon Color Copier Digital Copiers Print Management Education Tips and Tools Secure Printing PaperCut

How to Build a Strong Print Security Culture at Your Company

Your organization’s security – including print security – should have its own well-defined persona because, frankly, procedures, solutions, and strategies are great but people are complicated.

We can all agree that as we peek ahead into 2024, cyber security was, is, and will remain a huge priority for businesses today. But are you and your employees all on the same page on how we get there? That's an entirely different question.

Topics: Office Equipment Document Workflow Print Management Datamax Culture Secure Printing

9 Print Management Tools That Help Fight IT Team Fatigue

A proficient IT administrator derives satisfaction from automating tasks to enhance productivity, responsiveness ... and positivity.

IT staff fatigue is a real thing. It’s an issue often explored in  Nexthink's Pulse Report. Back in May 2020, we learned that 43% of IT leaders cited increasing support tickets as their biggest challenge since the start of the pandemic. “Since then,” reads the report, “70% of tech leaders we polled said their ticket and call volume continue to spike, with a majority of those reporting increases up to 50%."

Topics: Office Equipment Print Management Secure Printing

6 Ways Your Old Copier Could Be Telling You 'It's Time'

Whether it’s diminishing quality, limited functionalities, or the simple inability to find the right parts, there are certain signs that the office copier needs to be replaced.

Suffice it to say, your employees and your office copier develop a unique, oft-love-hate relationship over time.

From that glimmering first impression as the new device rolls into the office for the first time, to the frustrations with the inevitable paper jams, the employee and the device spend a lot of time together day in and out at the office, developing genuine familiarity. As a core hub for workflow functions, the copier is the consummate multi-tasker by printing, copying, scanning, faxing, and finishing to help move tasks forward in a routine manner.

Topics: Multifunction Copier Digital Copiers Office Equipment Copier Repair Secure Printing Copier Repair Service

Don't Neglect Print Environment When Deploying Zero Trust

What happens when Zero Trust encounters your print environment?  How do you avoid compromising an otherwise locked-down IT architecture? How do you retain the ability to print as needed? 

Trust is a difficult thing to come by anymore when it comes to cybersecurity measures. 

In their "Zero Trust Segmentation for Dummies" guide, Illumio reports that 76% of organizations experienced a ransomware attack in the last 2 years alone. Enter Zero Trust Security Environments. But what happens when Zero Trust encounters your print environment?  How do you avoid compromising an otherwise locked-down IT environment? How do you retain the ability to print as needed?

Topics: Office Equipment Network Management Document Security Network Security Secure Printing

Stay Up to Speed on Security with Canon's Unified Firmware Platform

Unified Firmware Platform allows these models to be updated with features, new functionalities and, yes, enhanced security measures on an ongoing basis without a complete model upgrade.

As the security threat landscape progresses, and the business security environment becomes rapidly more complex, your organization’s cybersecurity systems (including that of your copier/multi-function printer) should evolve accordingly. This can make a small business owner feel insecure on multiple fronts.

Topics: Canon Color Copier Office Equipment Print Management Canon USA Secure Printing

Secure Your Print Environment Before, During, and After You Hit Print

Securing your print comes down to understanding – and protecting – your jobs throughout the entire print lifecycle.

Cyber security is an ever-growing priority for businesses year after year. Nearly nine in 10 IT decision-makers in North America expect their organization’s cybersecurity budget to increase (by as much as 50 percent!) in the next 12 months, a recent Kaspersky survey found.

Topics: Print Management Managed Print Services Cybersecurity Secure Printing

6 Coaching Tips for Your 2022 IT Security Plan

These six coaching tips will help develop the peace of mind that comes with a solid IT security strategy.

Vince Lombardi once said “hope is not a strategy.”

From his relentless coverage of the fundamentals to implementing his infamous “Packers Sweep,” the legendary football coach relied on preparation, practice, and developing a proper game plan for his team. It worked. He won five NFL championships, including Super Bowls I and II, and compiled a remarkable 89-29-4 regular-season record.

Topics: Network Management IT Consulting Network Security Cybersecurity Secure Printing

5 Essential Endpoint Security Considerations When Purchasing MFPs

When it comes to security, MFPs should be treated just like any other endpoint on the network.

So, it's time to finally upgrade your copier(s) or MFP(s). How seriously have you considered security?

Although speeds, feeds, and cost of ownership are still relevant elements of pre-sale discovery and dialog, a heads-up sales consultant will also proactively introduce MFP Control and Security to the conversation. They know, when it comes to security, MFPs should be treated just like any other endpoint on the network.

Topics: Office Equipment Canon USA Secure Printing

uniFLOW Online: Securely Manage Print at Home or the Office

Confidence in how well the print infrastructure is protected against security breaches has decreased since the onset of COVID-19. Prior to the pandemic, 33% of IT decision makers said they were completely confident, compared to 21% now.

Work From Home could be a  productivity boost for employees, but it's become a downright predicament for those charged with print security. 

Work culture and workplace structure remains fluid as businesses deal with the onset and continuing effects of COVID-19. As such, business owners and IT personnel are tasked with a double-edged sword: Reigning in control over print and scan functionality, while ensuring cost/control savings, proper security protocols, and end user flexibility.

Topics: Office Equipment Coronavirus Work From Home Secure Printing