The Datamax Thinking Blog

Educating, collaborating, and sparking ideas for maximizing the technology that matters.

Canon's Unified Firmware Platform: Keeping Pace With Security Updates

Canon’s Unified Firmware Platform (UFP) allows Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE models to be updated with cutting-edge features, new functionality, and enhanced security measures on an ongoing basis.

For a runner, the challenge of keeping a steady, fast pace only grows stronger the longer the race goes on.

Hackers and cyberattacks are evolving faster than ever before. In response, necessary security updates often move at a sprinter’s pace, with no finish line to speak of. Meanwhile, your documents, your networks, and your devices need to stay "fresh" to protect against security threats … and obsolescence.

Topics: Office Equipment Document Security Canon USA Cybersecurity Secure Printing

An Old Copy Machine Could be a Cyber Security Risk for Your Business

Have you thought much about that old, familiar copier in the corner? Its obsolescence might be costing you more than just maintenance headaches.

That old workhorse in the hallway just keeps running.

The decade-plus-old copier is almost part of the workplace family: The staff is familiar with it, and its reliability (even with the uptick in maintenance) makes it harder to justify incurring new costs. Unfortunately, comfort can sometimes breed complacency. 

Topics: Security Office Equipment Print Management Cybersecurity Secure Printing

A Common Vulnerability Amidst Paper to Digital Workflow

A security checkup for those utilizing SMB (Scan to Network Folder) solutions with your office’s multi-function printer.

AAA Security — it's not a common term in today’s growing discussions around system and database compromises. But it should be. 

Topics: Security Office Equipment Document Workflow Document Security Secure Printing

3 Best Practices for Filling the Healthcare IT Security Gap

Nearly a third of all healthcare employee respondents (32%) said that they had never received cybersecurity training from their workplace ... but should have.

Healthcare today has its share of gaps: Gaps in healthcare access, gaps in the treatment of chronic diseases, and gaps in communication between patient and provider.

But what about the existing gaps in a medical facility's IT security plan?

Topics: Healthcare Solutions Network Management Network Security Secure Printing

Document Security Is A Necessity to Every Law Office

Though each one of the security concerns bulleted above is important, there are still a few other information security issues that copiers can help with.

The biggest concern for legal IT departments is no longer email management.

“Whew!” is what’s going through your mind right?

Don’t get too excited. Now the number 1 concern is . . . security management.*

Topics: Security Digital Security Legal Solutions Secure Printing

Digital Copiers - They’re a Ticking Security Time Bomb

Copiers aren’t just security threats during their time at the office; they’re also a potential threat even when they’re sold to a third party.

Your copier is hiding something from you – its hard drive.

Copiers with these “hidden” hard drives have been prevalent since 2002 and they store images of every document that has ever been copied, scanned, or emailed. This data remains stored on the hard drive until the drive becomes full then the old data is overwritten, but there’s always the potential for sensitive information to be stored on your copier’s hard drive.

Topics: Digital Copiers Digital Security Secure Printing