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A Print Workflow Wellness Check for Your Healthcare Organization


The right technology partner can ensure long-term wellness for your organization: From security/compliance peace of mind, to highly efficient workflow processes and optimal uptime on your fleet of equipment. 

An annual check-up is a routinely prescribed course of action for adults to ensure long-term wellness. But that’s not the end-game.

True wellness is not defined by any one current ailment or appointment; it’s an actively pursued goal of maintaining good health based on a myriad of ongoing good habits. To ensure overall wellness for their print fleet, a healthcare organization needs much more than an annual checkup.

One cure for neglected print fleets is a regularly-scheduled Partnership Review. A strategic meeting with your technology partner will not just review service performance, revisit the alignment of objectives and deployed technology’s contribution to those goals, and plan for the future. A Partnership Review demonstrates your partner’s commitment to producing ongoing results.

But what does a routine check-up look like for your healthcare organization's print fleet? 

3 Assessments for your Print/Workflow Wellness Check: 

1. Service Performance Wellness

No one likes sitting in the waiting room for hours at a time. Just the same, a medical facility’s administrative staff simply can’t run with down equipment for an extended amount of time. A few metrics to consider that will help evaluate current service performance:

  • Response: Average Response Time is a foundational metric for copier service. Business interruptions and disruptions are costly, annoying, and painful. A copier service provider who can’t address and then accurately interpret service requests intelligently and with speed has little value.
  • Resolution: Response + Resolution equates to having speed, as well as the ability arrive well prepared to do the job right. Speed without ability is of little value.
  • Rate (of First Call Completion): Done in one. Your service provider should have the necessary diagnostic tools embedded on each machine to evaluate every single service call and have a strong idea of how to resolve the issue, prior to arrival.
  • Recommendation: Does your service provider come recommended? Do they have a reliable way to measure how satisfied clients really are? A reputable provider will leverage the Net Promoter Score (NPS) to capture meaningful feedback and demonstrate a high rate of recommendation.

2. Workflow Wellness

Does your current technology examine the inner workings of how paperwork moves through your office? Improving business processes dramatically increases patient services. By optimizing workflow, your equipment provider is looking “big picture” into the benefits of a well-run, centralized fleet.

Enterprise Content Management

Combine enterprise control with departmental flexibility to centrally and securely manage your content—providing a critical complement to HIS, EMR and other clinical and back-office applications.

Workflow Management

Optimize productivity and reduce medical labor costs with customized and integrated workflows that combine multiple tasks into single processes.

Cost Reduction and Management

Eliminate expensive pre-printed medical forms, minimize the need for multiple fax lines, and control print costs through enforceable print management policies.

Right-Sizing Fleet

Right-sizing your fleet includes right device mix, right location, right application and right volume, and it’s a key component to any partnership commitment. It’s an ongoing process of analyzing equipment data and making the right moves based on overall volume, color usage, etc.

3. Security/Compliance Wellness

More than ever before, healthcare organizations of all sizes are at risk of data breach and exposing Patient Health Information. The cost of healthcare data breach, according to a 2018 IBM Security and Ponemon Institute Study, is $408 per record, higher than any other industry.

Your path to HIPAA Compliance is an ongoing journey. It begins with the HIPAA-mandated Risk Analysis, and continues by implementing specific processes that monitor, manage and mitigate both internal and external threats.

Any medical facility that remains unsure of their Compliance standing, or unsure about how to move forward, should consider a Managed Compliance Services Agreement that helps assure HIPAA Compliance today and well into the future. (Download our free eBook to learn more about Managed Compliance Services!)

The right technology partner can ensure long-term wellness for your organization: From security/compliance peace of mind, to highly efficient workflow processes and optimal uptime on your fleet of equipment. The end game isn’t an annual check up. It’s knowing that you have the freedom to delivering real healthcare... not just administering it!

When choosing your partner, consider Datamax's Managed Compliance Services, GoVertical® Program for Healthcare and our highly strategic Partnership Reviews. These are just a few examples of how we understand healthcare, and could be a great fit for your organization moving forward!

Download our Free eBook and ask yourself these 8 questions!

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Topics: Healthcare Solutions Office Equipment Print Management HIPAA Managed Compliance Services