The Datamax Thinking Blog

Educating, collaborating, and sparking ideas for maximizing the technology that matters.

Find Out if Your Copier Repair Service Provider is 'Up to Snuff'

Whatever may be keeping you (and your equipment) down, reliability, efficiency, and general technician "know-how" are key factors in choosing your next copier repair provider.

"Up to Snuff." It's an old phrase that we all seem to decipher as "meeting a required standard," yet the origins of this familiar saying are unclear; furthermore, how a reference to smokeless tobacco came to describe "of good quality" is a little bewildering.

Subpar service, be it at your home or in your office, is more than bewildering...definitely time-consuming... and beyond frustrating. Your office equipment is no exception.

Topics: Canon Color Copier Training Office Equipment Technology Support Canon USA Service Training

Section 179 & Bonus Depreciation: Act Fast on Potential 2022 Tax Incentives for Office Technology Acquisition

Almost all types of “business equipment” new or used that your company buys or finances will qualify for the Section 179 Deduction and/or Bonus Depreciation.

Need a little additional "incentive" to close out your year with the acquisition of office technology? Section 179 and Bonus Depreciation are two components of the 2017 TCJA (Tax Cuts and Jobs Act) that present potential tax savings for your organization if you're in the market for copiers, printers, or other related technology hardware or software.

But you'll need to act fast.  To maximize the current incentive, qualifying equipment must be financed or purchased before January 1, 2023.

Topics: Printing Office Equipment IT Consulting LeaseCare Technology Procurement

Stay Up to Speed on Security with Canon's Unified Firmware Platform

Unified Firmware Platform allows these models to be updated with features, new functionalities and, yes, enhanced security measures on an ongoing basis without a complete model upgrade.

As the security threat landscape progresses, and the business security environment becomes rapidly more complex, your organization’s cybersecurity systems (including that of your copier/multi-function printer) should evolve accordingly. This can make a small business owner feel insecure on multiple fronts.

Topics: Canon Color Copier Office Equipment Print Management Canon USA Secure Printing

Explore and Discover: What You Gain from a Business Technology Needs Assessment

After exploring your workflow environment, while pulling together data and key information from stakeholders and end-users alike, the sky opens up with new and unforeseen productivity possibilities.

Ever been stargazing in one of Arkansas’ beautiful National Parks? The experience can be equally awe-inspiring and overwhelming.

Even so, Astronomical discoveries are being made all the time, making more sense out of the endless sea of stars blanketing the night sky. Pulling together volumes of information and data, Astronomers can process information and develop new findings, often without even pulling out a telescope.

Topics: Canon Color Copier Office Equipment Business Technology Needs Assessment

Section 179: Act Fast on This Technology Acquisition Incentive

Almost all types of “business equipment” new or used that your company buys or finances will qualify for the Section 179 Deduction.

A huge technology procurement incentive still exists for businesses looking for ways to become more efficient and lease or purchase new business equipment.

But the clock is ticking.

Topics: Printing Office Equipment IT Consulting LeaseCare Technology Procurement

5 Warning Signs Your Technology Partnership is Souring, not Soaring

How well has your technology partner paid solid mind to how you work and operate? What your objectives are? What you value as a business?

Great partnerships produce great results.

The Wright Brothers, though they got their start fixing bicycles, developed the three-axis controls that made flying a fixed-wing aircraft possible. Through their collaborative partnership, the two literally gave us all wings to fly.

Topics: Office Equipment Partnering Managed Services Provider

Clear the Fog Surrounding Cloud Print Management and your Business

For many organizations, the idea of moving infrastructure to the cloud is equally intriguing, yet covered in a fog of questions and uncertainties. Even more so, print is one of the last basic business technologies to move to the cloud.

A cloud of fog suspended along the earth’s surface obscures visibility, making the path ahead uncertain and potentially dangerous.

Topics: Printer Management Office Equipment Cloud Cloud Technology

5 Essential Endpoint Security Considerations When Purchasing MFPs

When it comes to security, MFPs should be treated just like any other endpoint on the network.

So, it's time to finally upgrade your copier(s) or MFP(s). How seriously have you considered security?

Although speeds, feeds, and cost of ownership are still relevant elements of pre-sale discovery and dialog, a heads-up sales consultant will also proactively introduce MFP Control and Security to the conversation. They know, when it comes to security, MFPs should be treated just like any other endpoint on the network.

Topics: Office Equipment Canon USA Secure Printing

uniFLOW Online: Securely Manage Print at Home or the Office

Confidence in how well the print infrastructure is protected against security breaches has decreased since the onset of COVID-19. Prior to the pandemic, 33% of IT decision makers said they were completely confident, compared to 21% now.

Work From Home could be a  productivity boost for employees, but it's become a downright predicament for those charged with print security. 

Work culture and workplace structure remains fluid as businesses deal with the onset and continuing effects of COVID-19. As such, business owners and IT personnel are tasked with a double-edged sword: Reigning in control over print and scan functionality, while ensuring cost/control savings, proper security protocols, and end user flexibility.

Topics: Office Equipment Coronavirus Work From Home Secure Printing

McAfee Embedded Control Enhances Endpoint Security on Canon MFPs

McAfee Embedded Control blocks the execution of unauthorized applications like malware through intelligent whitelisting.

In an attempt to fully secure your home, imagine creating a list of every potential intruder that exists in your neighborhood, in your city, and beyond. Now – imagine creating a list of every APPROVED individual into your home.

Topics: Printer Management Multifunction Copier Office Equipment Canon USA Secure Printing