The Datamax Thinking Blog

Educating, collaborating, and sparking ideas for maximizing the technology that matters.

Don't Go Primal - 6 Tips to Minimize Copier Repair Needs

It's a fact of life, copiers are machines and they sometimes break. Here are six steps to take to keep from losing your cool.

Printers and copiers have a unique ability: the more these technologically advanced devices break down, the more primal you become in turn. This transition starts with an open palm hit, and then a kick, and then more profanity than you might otherwise use at work. Toward the end you are re-enacting the dawn of man obelisk scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Printers and copiers will break down; however, you can minimize their ability to transform you by following these six simple steps.

Topics: Printer Management Productivity Tips and Tools Office Equipment Technology Pain Print Management

Just Right: The Right Number of Copiers (and Printers)

The point in time when you acquire a new print device is the perfect time to improve your workflow, provided your vendor has the expertise.

A business' copier fleet is very much a Goldilocks situation; too much or too little printing and copying capacity can create significant costs. If you print more than your fleet can handle, you are going to have to replace devices more often. If you have more capacity than you need, you are paying too much to the detriment of other areas of your business.

Topics: Multifunction Copier Digital Copiers Productivity Tips and Tools Office Equipment Print Management

Assess Twice, Purchase Once: Building Your Best Tech Solution

But the only way acquiring technology can improve your bottom line is if it addresses a specific need or improves on your current processes.

Everyone knows to measure twice and cut once. But too many people acquire technology without knowing what their company really needs.

When you view our website, you see assessments everywhere. This is not a marketing ploy to encourage website engagement. It's part of the process to convert you into a Raving Fan and ensure you get what you need. So let's discuss how the assessment part of the Raving Fan process works.

Topics: Technology Print Management Print Assessment

The Basics of Managed Print Services

When your managed services provider considers your print environment, they're looking at the total cost of all printing in your organization.

Although there are some differences in definitions of "managed print services," the result is the same: money saved, workflows simplified, and budgets clarified. Managed print services help you weed out inefficiencies and make the most of the resources you use. With managed print, you can even move one step closer to reducing your environmental impact.

How can managed print services achieve all of this?

Topics: Printing Print Management Managed Print Services

Print Service Providers Present Opportunities for Diverse Businesses

Managed print services, document management and IT services are contemporary methods for conducting business operations.

There are a lot of reasons to consider the benefits of managed print services and documents management. These are services are outsourced and do not require your physical office resources. There are thousands of specialized print providers in the country right now. The future for these providers is bright as it relates to the expanding needs of printed materials. You may find that there are more materials than you thought in this category.

Here are some of the common materials that are printed:

Topics: Print Management Managed Print Services

An Introduction to Managed Print Services

With MPS, you'll know what you spend regularly on printing - an important first step in cutting out any unnecessary waste.

What are managed print services (MPS), and how can your business benefit? Managed print services help you streamline your organization's printing needs while saving time and money. From product purchasing to usage tracking, MPS takes the guesswork out of printing.

Topics: Print Management Managed Print Services