The Datamax Thinking Blog

Educating, collaborating, and sparking ideas for maximizing the technology that matters.

Green Printing is Good for the Bottom Line

Even if you're not interested in the positive environmental impacts; most of these tips will help you save money and/or become more productive too.

It’s not easy being green.

We all know Kermit the Frog’s lament, “It’s not easy being green.” While I can’t relate to the struggles of a small amphibian (and there aren’t any Martians around to ask), we’ll have to take Kermit at his word.

Topics: Printing Going Green

Enable Mobile Printing, Unleash Productivity

As mobile computing outpaces traditional PC computing, the need to print from any device at any time will become more important.

The biggest barrier to printing from mobile devices, according to research from InfoTrends, is “technical connectivity problems to the printer.”

Many office workers don’t print from their mobile devices because they don’t think they can.

What if I were to tell you that’s not actually a problem? As everyone says these days, there’s an app for that – at least in the business world. There’s an app for printing from smartphone devices. A quick caveat here; for personal printing at home, connectivity and printer support does vary widely. That said, for office workers wanting to increase productivity by printing needed documents directly from phone or tablet, you can. After all, as work becomes un-tethered from a specific office location (and location within the office), not everyone will have immediate access to a networked PC and printer.

Topics: Printing

Printing in Color: A Little Dab’ll Do Ya

Printing in color can improve the action you want taken on the documents you use for business.

In Western culture, white symbolizes “purity” and “cleanliness” (or taken to extremes, “sterility” or “coldness”), while in traditional China white is the color of mourning. Black cats are seen as a sign of bad luck or a bad omen in the West; but are a symbol of good luck in Japan and most of England. Color has meaning (and, yes, the color scheme in McDonald’s is designed to get you to eat more!).

When it comes to communicating with your office documents, a little color can make a big difference. Consider these two statistics:

Topics: Printing Productivity Tips and Tools

Why Printing Still Matters

Printed materials are useful in nearly any sector, but may be extra beneficial to certain industries, like automotive, hospitality, and home improvement businesses.

The digital revolution has changed things. From the way we market our businesses to the way we communicate with customers and vendors, business in the digital era looks different, and often leaves companies scrambling to figure out how - and how much - to utilize digital media.

One common concern is about printing. That is, whether it is still relevant. The answer? Yes. Printing still matters.

Topics: Printing

The Basics of Managed Print Services

When your managed services provider considers your print environment, they're looking at the total cost of all printing in your organization.

Although there are some differences in definitions of "managed print services," the result is the same: money saved, workflows simplified, and budgets clarified. Managed print services help you weed out inefficiencies and make the most of the resources you use. With managed print, you can even move one step closer to reducing your environmental impact.

How can managed print services achieve all of this?

Topics: Printing Print Management Managed Print Services

Research Studies Focus on Print Industry’s Future

These studies are set to showcase the future of the industry. Print needs and activities touch many other fields and are connected to related fields of business.

Virtually every field of business requires some sort of print activity. This activity is sometimes done on a small scale inside an office environment. Large scale projects produced by managed print services are commonly required. The print industry plays an active role on advertising and marketing. At the same time it is critical to overall daily operations. Two research studies, commissioned by PRIMIR, the Print Industries Market Information and Research Organization will be completed this fall.

Topics: Printing Color Printing

Print: Yes, People still Use It

The best marketing plans are the ones that consist of both print marketing and electronic/online marketing.

Marketing is one of the most important parts of business because how would people know that your company or your products exist unless you tell them you are out there!

That is why many companies have a department solely for marketing.

Topics: Printing Color Printing

Choosing a Printer: A Short Overview

Before you start looking, you should do a little preliminary research. Ask yourself, what is most important for the work you do?

Choosing a printer can be a challenge given the breadth of options available on the market today. There are as many printers as there are businesses, and there is a perfect machine out there for your unique needs. Whether you're a small business owner, work from home or employee hundreds of people, DataMax can help you find the right device.

Topics: Printing